Assemblage is now an online publishing company.

Assemblage has been growing since its return to Medium in October of 2019. Now, in addition to Assemblage, we are the publisher of several niche publications on Medium. Assemblage, the publication, will not change. We will remain, what we feel is, the most curated publication on Medium. Assemblage, the publishing umbrella is growing. All of these publications will be housed under the Assemblage brand and run through our same Twitter, use our same off-Medium website, and continue collaborating inside of our private Slack. These are our new sub-publications:

A collection of things or people. An object made of pieces fitted together. A work of art made by grouping found or unrelated objects. A publication on Medium.

A collection of things or people. An object made of pieces fitted together. A work of art made by grouping found or unrelated objects. A publication on Medium.

A fiction publication brought to you by Assemblage that focuses on creative narratives spun by captivating minds.

A fiction publication brought to you by Assemblage that focuses on creative narratives spun by captivating minds.

A writing prompts publication brought to you by Assemblage to present a range of questions to help us to understand ourselves better.

A writing prompts publication brought to you by Assemblage to present a range of questions to help us to understand ourselves better.

A poetry publication brought to you by Assemblage to capture all of your disconnected thoughts and let them find their form.

A poetry publication brought to you by Assemblage to capture all of your disconnected thoughts and let them find their form.